
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2013

Down the river and across the sea...

Monday evening we returned from a six day trip to the community of Platanares. As I have shared in the past, Platanares is a small Wounaan fishing community along the Pacific coast. As I pondered what to write about our days there, I am struck with the dilemma I often face: there is so much to share. Should I write about the trip there, about how we had to get to the dock at 2 AM in order to catch the high tide, and the ensuing trip downriver as the girls slept on the deck? Should I talk about all the teaching that we did, the people that we talked to, the things we learned? When you invest 6 days of your life on a trip like this, the impressions and moments can seem overwhelming to share. So I will share just one. The second morning we were there our hostess, Eleida, asked us to visit her two sisters in law who lived up the hill from her. The first visit was long and she was eager for us to stay. Finally we pulled away and went to visit the other sister in law, whose na...