Christmas is....
In Panama, Christmas is.... The coming of summer - time to go to the beach! The end of the school year and time for summer vacation. Also graduations. Time to paint your house. Crazy traffic. And even more craziness in the toy stores. Staying up till midnight to greet Christmas, then celebrating with a midnight Christmas dinner. For us foreigners who foolishly go to bed early on Christmas evening, it means waking up at midnight to the fireworks also set off to greet the coming of Christmas. Lots of festive trees brought down from Canada and sold on every corner. Crime levels peak: got to get those Christmas gifts under the tree somehow. Christ freely celebrated in every public place and venue. No need to wish "Happy Holidays". Nativity scenes left with an empty manger until the 25th, when Christ arrives. Special Christmas treats: apples, grapes, nuts, tamales, and breaded nut bread (rosca). For us, a mixture of Panamanian and American traditio...