A visit to San Antonio

This past Wednesday Abigail, Carolyn and I were visiting San Antonio. Our friends Chris and Vanessa Collins had a visiting group who wanted to learn more about how YWAM is reaching out to indigenous groups in Panama. Abigail was motivated by the fact that we would get to see "Abuela" and "Tatooi" (grandma and grandpa). Carolyn just wants to make sure she is going wherever we are going. It was a sunny day as we crossed the Chagres River where it opens in the Panama Canal. Our driver, Alex's cousin, manuvered through the water plants, and brought us up to the slightly sinking dock. Abigail and Carolyn ran up the give Abuela hugs, since she was waiting at the dock for us. The Collin's visiting group enjoyed the visit, and a taste of Indigenous culture. I tried to sum up in 20 minutes or so the work we have been doing with the indigenous and also what our vision is for the futre. This was much easier since Alex and I have been working or family mission statement together. The group visited several houses, sharing with different families. Vanessa stayed with the kids at the playground put in by Homes of Hope, a YWAM ministry, in July. I went along as the guide and translator. At one house, we encouraged those in the group to climb up into a house, using the traditional log/ladder. A couple members of the group decided not to try (it was a very thin, long ladder, so I don't really blame them). I stayed below with them and we began chatting with a women who appeared to by working on some baskets. Alex calls her "aunt" but I'm not sure that the actual relationship. She began telling me how she had been sick (I hadn't seen her in church for several weeks). Although I know that she is related to Alex, we have never really talked much. She began to share about her sickness and pulled out some baskets, asking me to show them to the visitors. She hoped to buy some detergent to wash their clothes. I showed them the baskets and explained a little about the process, while translatiting questions and answers. She ended up selling a basket and getting twice the price she was asking. We also prayed for her healing, and she shared with me some of her struggles, and I encouraged her to keep trusting in God through her struggles. I know that selling the basket meant a lot to her. When you don't have any money, even a little helps. I know the visit also encouraged her. Sunday, she came to church again and sought me out, wanting to share more. I thanked God for allowing me to friend to her and show her that she is not alone. We also stopped in on Alex's young cousin Nair, who just had her second baby, and is single. She and Vanessa swapped stories on how their babies were sleeping, and we prayed for the little baby girl. I inwardly cringe, hoping that Nair will raise her well. Hoping that Nair will make good choices, and seek what's best for her children. Praying that this little one's future doesn't include poverty, rejection, or bed step-fathers. Praying for a better future for these little ones. P.S. visit here to find out more about what the Collins are doing: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Jucum-PTY-Ywam-PTY/264689363569307


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