Back from the Darien...

How has your December been so far? Ours has been full of trips, giant spiders and heavy rains.

December 1st found Alex out in the Darien province visiting Embera communities with friends Tulio Rosales and Andrew Burnett. Tulio, a fellow YWAMer, has a heart to reach out to needy Embera communities in remote areas. On this trip they were getting to know the communities up river from Sambu and sharing the Jesus Film which has recently been translated in the Embera language. Alex returned tired but with a renewed vision for reaching Indigenous people. It seems that everywhere we look we see the need for the word of God to be taught, and lived out for children, young people and families to grow and prosper.

Here in Chepo the girls and I held down the fort while Alex was gone (that's where the giant spiders and heavy rains came in) I have been perfecting my skills at killing such spiders, but I really wish they would stay away from the house for awhile. I have also spent the time visiting Wounaan friends and churches and putting together plans for an in depth Bible study for women (the subject requested is marriage) and also planning to jump back into working with the Wounaan children at our little church here in Chepo.

I managed to get some Samaritan's purse box's set aside for all the Wounaan children here (yeah!) and plan on taking them to hear a simple gospel presentation and receive their Christmas present in early January (they won't care if it's after Christmas, and the boxes usually aren't available on time). I feel very blessed to be a part of this because I know that these children receive so little. In homes where food is the main concern, there is little left over to buy the kids toys. Also, most of the children come from families that don't attend church so it's a great opportunity for them to hear the Good News!

This Christmas season for us will be spent with our Wounaan friends and family here in Chepo. Alex has been putting in lots of hours in helping the little church here get their youth group up and functioning, and so we will probably spend lots of time with them during this time of year when they are all on school vacation! Pray for Alex's efforts to disciple these young people who have so much potential to bless their people, and so many obstacles.

Please also pray for our health. We are all pretty sick with some sort of stomach problem which feels suspiciously like the last time I got amebas. Tomorrow is set aside to visit the local health center with the girls, so pray that we can figure out what is wrong and get the proper medication. The last time I felt this way I had just drunken some river water on our way through San Soledad, visiting our Buglere students there. Not fun. So your prayers are greatly appreciated!

Blessings on each of you this week!


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