Sweet Fellowship

Most missionaries will probably tell you that ministry is often full of lots of just plain hard work, with a few moments interspirsed that are pure joy, when you get to see something extraordinary, or connect with someone in a special way.

Last night was on of those moments. Nothing spectacular happened, at lease it wouldn't seem so to one looking in from the outside. But for us, it was a sweet moment of fellowship and friendship.  Alex had helped put together a potluck, so after a brief service, everyone got their plate of rice, plantains and Panamanian style chicken spagetti, and sat around, sharing and talking.  I enjoyed talking with one of the young ladies in church as we made lemonade with raspadura together.  She told me that she has an English entrance exam coming up for University, and we agreed to study together this coming week to help her get ready.

One of the girls in the youth group had a birthday yesterday and surprise party had been put together for her afterwards.  We were invited to join in.  As often happens when you are a missionary, I got asked to do random things, like lead in the singing of Happy Birthday (the church version) and cutting the cake, since everyone else said they didn't know how.  Of course, they proceeded to hover over me and tell how I should be doing it.

Laura, the birthday girl, was turning 17.  I had been thinking lately about how many important decisions are made during this time in her life, and was able to encourage her to seek God and trust his guidance and she stepped out into the future.

Her sister-in-law, who is part of our women's bible study, was there was well.  We got talking about our Bible study subject, marriage, and the conversation took some interesting turns.  She had been told that because she and her husband weren't legally married, that they were living in adultery. She wanted to know what I thought.  We talked a little bit about marriage, culture and customs, and I left the conversation with more questions than answers.  This subject seems to keep coming up, so I am sure the conversation will continue.

We likely would have continued talking for quite awhile as the kids happily ran around outside in the cool night air, but Alex was ready to go home. He had gotten up at 4:00 that morning to help in the preparations for the NIKO camp next week, and was worn out. 

We said our goodbyes, and walked slowly home with two sleepy girls.  On the walk I felt like I had drunk from a deep and satisfying well.  I was reminded of Jesus saying the doing the Father's will was his food and drink. I think I understood a little better what he was talking about.


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